Obtain Your License

Pursuing a career in the HVAC field? Study at home for your Wisconsin HVAC license exam with our fully online, user-friendly, and self-paced course.

  • HVAC Exam Prep

    Wisconsin HVAC License (Contractor, Qualifier) – Books Only Package


    As of this time we do not offer any courses for this exam. We do offer all the required books for this exam here in one complete package. Individual books can be found in our bookstore. Please be sure to check back in the future for possible course material, as we are always adding to our course catalog.

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Requirements To Complete

About This License

A dwelling contractor-restricted category is for projects under $25,000, for contractors who provide a surety bond of less than $25,000. The figure of $5,000 mentioned in 101.654(2)(a)1 Statute is the minimum for providing a surety bond. That minimum only is valid for the restricted category; there should be at least a $25,000 bond for the “full” or unrestricted dwelling contractor category, if a bond is provided and not the certificate of insurance.

Requirements to Obtaining Your License

The person applying for an HVAC contractor registration shall be the owner of the contracting business, a partner in the contracting business applying on behalf of a partnership, or the chairman of the board or chief executive officer applying on behalf of the contracting corporation.

To obtain a contractor’s license, you must also apply for a business credential.

Applying For Your License

Call (608) 261-8500 for application form, or Click Here

Exam Details

The exam is open book and a 70% is required to pass. The exam is given by the state.

Books and References for the Exam

These books are available for purchase from our online contractor’s bookstore or by calling our office at 1-800-952-0910.

The following references ARE allowed in the testing center:

Exam Review Education

Please check back later for review and training for this license.

Continuing Education

As of this time there are no requirements for continuing education.

Reciprocity Agreement


How It Works


Obtain pre-approval from the state (if applicable).


Purchase Exam Prep materials.


Schedule and pass your state exams.


Submit to the state your application, licensing fee, and proof of insurance.