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The following references are recommended to study for the Nevada Water Heater Contractor Exam C-1H. This examination is used to obtain a Nevada Water Heater Contractor C-1H License. Also to become a licensed contractor in Nevada, candidates will also need to pass a business and management exam.

Only the following references are permitted to be taken into the exam.

  • Uniform Plumbing Code
  • Redi-Tag Permanent Tabs – 375 Blank Tabs


    Redi-Tag permanent tabs are self-sticking and you can print on your laser printer in minutes or write directly on them. Made of heavy duty, durable plastic that won’t tear of curl. Input and format text using Windows® versions of Microsoft® Word and WordPerfect®. Actual size of tab 1-1/8″ x 1-1/4″. 100 tabs per pack.

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  • 2012 Uniform Plumbing Code


    Key changes to the 2012 UPC include new provisions for alternative water sources for non potable applications, rainwater catchment systems, plumbing facilities, and joining methods for water supply and drainage piping.

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