NFPA 58: Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code, 2014 Edition


Updated to reflect the latest safety practices, field experience, and industry advances, the 2014 NFPA 58: Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code provides today’s criteria for all aspects of the safe design, construction, installation and operation of the full range of LP-Gas piping, equipment, and venting, along with highway transportation of LP-Gas. New rules for cathodic protection for underground tanks guards against corrosion to preserve structural integrity.

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In most areas of the country, soil characteristics are detrimental to the integrity of steel containers buried underground. Corrosion creates pits or holes that left alone or ignored can lead to leaks, releasing propane into the ground. The 2014 NFPA 58 requires ASME containers to have a cathodic protection system installed and periodically monitored to be sure it continues to meet expected performance standards. A new Supplement in the companion 2014 NFPA 58: LP-Gas Code Handbook further discusses this important topic.

About the Author:

NFPA is the leading information and knowledge resource on fire, electrical, and related hazards.