Obtain Your License

Pursuing a career in the HVAC field? Study at home for your Texas Air Conditioning and Refrigeration license exam with our fully online, user-friendly, and self-paced course.

  • Sale! HVAC Exam Prep

    Texas Commercial Refrigeration A&B Online Exam Prep

    Original price was: $269.99.Current price is: $239.99.

    The Texas Commercial Refrigeration A&B Exam Prep course includes narrated highlighting guides, practice tests, theory, calculations, instructor support and test-taking tips and strategies. Topics include  basic refrigeration components, boilers, business and law, combustion air, controls, design and responsibility, equipment requirements, heat loads, HVAC systems, piping, pressure relief protection, refrigeration principles, service, testing, ventilation, and venting and more. The highlighting guides and quizzes are designed to familiarize students with testing materials. We do not provide students with exact test questions, as the state does not release this information.

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  • HVAC Exam Prep

    Texas Commercial Refrigeration A&B Online Exam Prep Complete Package

    Original price was: $891.94.Current price is: $861.94.

    Texas Commercial Refrigeration A&B Online Exam Prep Complete Package includes all references needed to study for the exam, pre-printed tabs for only those references allowed to be taken into the exam and 365 days access to our online exam prep course. The highlighting guides and quizzes are designed to familiarize students with testing materials. We do not provide students with exact test questions, as the state does not release this information.


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  • Sale!

    Texas Environmental Air A&B Online Exam Prep

    Original price was: $269.99.Current price is: $239.99.

    The Texas Environmental Air A&B Exam Prep includes narrated highlighting guides, practice tests, instructor support and test-taking tips and strategies. Topics include refrigeration components, boilers, business and law, combustion air, controls, design and responsibility, equipment requirements, heat loads, HVAC systems, piping, pressure relief protection, refrigeration principles, service, testing, ventilation, and venting and more. The highlighting guides and quizzes are designed to familiarize students with testing materials. We do not provide students with exact test questions, as the state does not release this information.

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  • The Texas Environmental Air A&B Online Exam Prep Complete Package

    Original price was: $1,321.90.Current price is: $1,291.90.

    The Texas Environmental Air A&B Exam Complete Package includes all references needed to study for the exam, pre-printed tabs for only those references allowed to be taken into the exam and 365 days access to our online exam prep course. The highlighting guides and quizzes are designed to familiarize students with testing materials. We do not provide students with exact test questions, as the state does not release this information.

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  • Application Processing

    Texas Application Processing


    @HomePrep Application Processing is here to ensure your application to become a state licensed contractor gets filled out correctly and promptly. We provide a professional service ensuring your privacy and comfort throughout the entire process. Following your purchase of the Texas Application Processing our AP Coordinator will contact you to discuss the next steps. If you have any questions please call us at 800-952-0910. We look forward to working with you.

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Requirements To Complete

About This License

Class A license entitles the license holder to engage in each type of air conditioning and refrigeration contracting that is endorsed on the license in relation to a system, a product, or equipment of any size or capacity.

Class B license entitles the license holder to engage in each type of air conditioning and refrigeration contracting that is endorsed on the license in relation to a system, a product, or equipment of not more than:

  • 25 tons cooling capacity; or
  • 1.5 million British thermal units per hour output heating capacity.

An environmental air conditioning endorsement entitles the license holder to engage in air conditioning and refrigeration contracting for environmental air conditioning within the class of license held.

commercial refrigeration and process cooling or heating endorsement entitles the license holder to engage in air conditioning and refrigeration contracting for commercial refrigeration and process cooling or heating within the class of license held.

Requirements to Obtaining Your License

Applicants must be at least 18 years old and show proof of 48 months of practical experience in air conditioning and refrigeration work under the supervision of a licensed air conditioning and refrigeration contractor within the last 72 months.

Class A licenses must provide liability insurance in the amount of $300,000 and $600,000 for aggregate.

Class B licenses must provide liability insurance in the amount of $100,000 and $200,000 for aggregate.

An air conditioning and refrigeration contractor license must be endorsed with one or both of the following endorsements:

  • An environmental air conditioning endorsement; or
  • A commercial refrigeration and process cooling or heating endorsement.

Applying For Your License

To apply for license, please contact the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation at 1-512-463-6599.

The license fee is $115.

Exam Details

Pre-approval is required to sit for the examination. After you have been approved to schedule your exam, contact PSI at 1-800-733-9267.

  • Environemental Air Class A:
    • 125 questions- 240 minute time limit
  • Environmental Air Class B:
    • 105 questions- 180 minute time limit
  • Commercial Refrigeration Class A:
    • 125 questions- 240 minute time limit
  • Commercial Refrigeration Class B:
    • 105 questions- 180 minute time limit
  • A 70% is required to pass.
  • Class A exam fee is $74
  • Class B exam fee is $60

Topics on the commercial refrigeration exams include absorption systems, basic refrigeration components, boilers, business and law, combustion air, controls, design and responsibility, equipment requirements, heat loads, HVAC systems, piping, pressure relief protection, refrigeration principles, service, testing, ventilation, and venting.

Topics on the environmental air exams include basic refrigeration components, boilers, business and law, combustion air, controls, design and responsibility, equipment requirements, heat loads, HVAC systems, piping, pressure relief protection, refrigeration principles, service, testing, ventilation, venting, air properties, air distribution, and exhaust.

Books and References for the Exam

The following references are recommended to study for the examination. They are available for purchase from our online contractor’s bookstore or by calling our office at 1-800-952-0910.

  • 2018 Uniform Mechanical Code
  • 2018 International Mechanical Code
  • 2018 International Fuel Gas Code
  • Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
  • ADI Duct Size Calculator
  • Manual J (Environmental Air Exam Only)
  • Manual D (Environmental Air Exam Only)
  • Manual S (Environmental Air Exam Only)

The following references can be printed online free of charge.

Exam Review Education

We offer review for the Texas Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Exam in an online training format. The fee for the course is $219.99. The course includes sample figures, questions, math and calculations, as well as a highlighting guide for the approved references. For more information, or to order, contact our office at 1-800-952-0910.

Continuing Education

Eight hours of continuing education are required every renewal. We offer this online.

Reciprocity Agreement

Reciprocity exists with Georgia and South Carolina.

How It Works


Obtain pre-approval from the state (if applicable).


Purchase Exam Prep materials.


Schedule and pass your state exams.


Submit to the state your application, licensing fee, and proof of insurance.