Browse through our online courses for contractor licensing and continuing education.

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Electrical, plumbing, and HVAC construction is regulated at the state level.

While there is no state licensing requirement for general contractors in Idaho, any general contractor who performs construction work worth more than $2,000 must be registered with the Idaho Contractors Board.  Additionally, each public works contract with a value of $10,000 or more requires a state public works license. Agricultural buildings are exempt from the building code and therefore registration is not required.  Prequalification is obtained through the licensing process.

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  • Sale! HVAC Exam Prep

    Idaho HVAC License (Contractor/Journeyman) Online Exam Prep

    Original price was: $269.99.Current price is: $239.99.

    Applicants shall provide proof of a minimum of four (4) years experience working in the trade or as a registered HVAC apprentice making HVAC installations in compliance with the requirements of the State. Applicants shall provide proof, satisfactory to the Board, of having legally acted as an HVAC journeyman for a period of not less than twenty-four (24) months. As of this time, we offer Highlighting guides and practice tests online for the 2018 IFGC and 2018 IMC code books. Each time you take the practice test, the questions are randomly generated from our database. The highlighting guides and quizzes are designed to familiarize students with testing materials. We do not provide students with exact test questions, as the state does not release this information.

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  • Sale! Electrical Continuing Education

    Idaho Electrical License (Master/Journeyman/Contractor) – NEC Online Exam Prep

    Original price was: $269.99.Current price is: $239.99.

    MASTER: In order to be approved for the Idaho Master Electrician examination, you must have worked as a licensed journeyman electrician for a period of not less than four (4) years. JOURNEYMAN: In order to qualify to take the journeyman electrician examination an apprentice electrician shall be required to work four (4) years, defined as a minimum of eight thousand (8,000) hours of work experience, under the constant on-the-job supervision of a journeyman electrician. In order to be approved for the Idaho State Journeyman Electrician exam you must submit notarized documentation of four (4) years (a minimum of 8,000 hrs) of work experience as an apprentice electrician making electrical installations under the constant supervision of a qualified journeyman electrician and four (4) years (a minimum of 576 hrs) of approved electrical apprenticeship class room instruction. CONTRACTOR: Proof of $300,000.00 Liability Insurance and Worker’s Compensation Insurance (if applicable) must be received by the Electrical Bureau before your Electrical Contractor’s License will be issued. We currently offer 2 options to help you pass your electrical exam. Our complete exam review includes practice tests, highlighting guides, calculations, test taking tips and instructor support. The practice tests only option includes practice tests, test taking tips and instructor support. The highlighting guides and quizzes are designed to familiarize students with testing materials. We do not provide students with exact test questions, as the state does not release this information.

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  • Electrical Continuing Education

    Idaho Electrical Continuing Education 2023 NEC (16 Hours)


    Each licensed Journeyman and Master electrician must provide 24 hours of Idaho approved continuing education in order to renew their license. Of the 24 hours, 8 hours must be Code Update. The remaining 16 hours of continuing education can be from any combination of the three categories of Idaho approved continuing education that include Code Update, Code Related, or Industry Related. These credits must have been obtained in the three (3) year period between renewal of such licenses. The courses are approved/accepted by the Idaho Division of Building Safety. Course options and topics: 2023 NEC Changes, Grounding and Bonding, and Wiring Methods. @HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.

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  • Electrical Continuing Education

    Idaho Electrical Continuing Education Industry Related 2023 NEC (8 Hours)


    Each licensed Journeyman and Master electrician must provide 24 hours of Idaho approved continuing education in order to renew their license. Of the 24 hours, 8 hours must be Code Update. The remaining 16 hours of continuing education can be from any combination of the three categories of Idaho approved continuing education that include Code Update, Code Related, or Industry Related. These credits must have been obtained in the three (3) year period between renewal of such licenses. The courses are approved/accepted by the Idaho Division of Building Safety. Course options and topics: 2023 NEC Changes, Grounding and Bonding, and Wiring Methods. @HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.

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  • Electrical Continuing Education

    Idaho Electrical Continuing Education – Master/Journeyman Licenses (24 Hours)


    Each licensed Journeyman and Master electrician must provide 24 hours of Idaho approved continuing education in order to renew their license. Of the 24 hours, 8 hours must be Code Update. The remaining 16 hours of continuing education can be from any combination of the three categories of Idaho approved continuing education that include Code Update, Code Related, or Industry Related. These credits must have been obtained in the three (3) year period between renewal of such licenses. The courses are approved/accepted by the Idaho Division of Building Safety. Course options and topics: 2023 NEC Changes, Grounding and Bonding, and Wiring Methods. @HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.


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  • Electrical Continuing Education

    Idaho Electrical Continuing Education 2023 NEC Part 1 (8 Hours)


    Each licensed Journeyman and Master electrician must provide 24 hours of Idaho approved continuing education in order to renew their license. Of the 24 hours, 8 hours must be Code Update. The remaining 16 hours of continuing education can be from any combination of the three categories of Idaho approved continuing education that include Code Update, Code Related, or Industry Related. These credits must have been obtained in the three (3) year period between renewal of such licenses. The courses are approved/accepted by the Idaho Division of Building Safety. Course options and topics: 2023 NEC Changes, Grounding and Bonding, and Wiring Methods. @HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.

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  • Idaho Plumbing License – Books Only Package


    As of this time we do not offer any courses for this exam. We do offer all the required books for this exam here in one complete package. Individual books can be found in our bookstore. Please be sure to check back in the future for possible course material, as we are always adding to our course catalog.


    Idaho Plumbing License – Examination Materials:

    • 2015 Uniform Plumbing Code
    • 2017 Idaho State Plumbing Code
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  • HVAC Exam Prep

    Idaho HVAC License (Contractor/Journeyman) Online Exam Prep Complete Package

    Original price was: $551.96.Current price is: $521.96.

    Idaho HVAC License (Contractor/Journeyman) Online Exam Prep includes all references used during the exam, pre-printed tabs for all references allowed into the exam and 365 days access to our online exam prep course. The highlighting guides and quizzes are designed to familiarize students with testing materials. We do not provide students with exact test questions, as the state does not release this information.


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  • Electrical Continuing Education

    Idaho Electrical Continuing Education 2023 NEC Part 2 (8 Hours)


    Each licensed Journeyman and Master electrician must provide 24 hours of Idaho approved continuing education in order to renew their license. Of the 24 hours, 8 hours must be Code Update. The remaining 16 hours of continuing education can be from any combination of the three categories of Idaho approved continuing education that include Code Update, Code Related, or Industry Related. These credits must have been obtained in the three (3) year period between renewal of such licenses. The courses are approved/accepted by the Idaho Division of Building Safety. Course options and topics: 2023 NEC Changes, Grounding and Bonding, and Wiring Methods. @HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.

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