Obtain Your License

Pursuing a career in the HVAC field? Study at home for your Nevada HVAC license exam with our fully online, user-friendly, and self-paced course.

  • Sale! HVAC Exam Prep

    Nevada Refrigeration Contractor (C-21A) Online Exam Prep

    Original price was: $269.99.Current price is: $239.99.

    To qualify to take this license exam, pre-approval is required. Applicants must be able to document a minimum of 4 years of experience within the past 10 years to qualify for a license and must also submit 4 reference certificates concerning their work experience and submit to a background check. The program takes you through each one of the reference books that the exam is based on showing you exactly what to highlight. After your highlighting is completed with each book, you have the option take an online practice test to reinforce concepts presented. @HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.


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  • HVAC Exam Prep

    Nevada Refrigeration Contractor (C-21A) Online Exam Prep Complete Package

    Original price was: $698.95.Current price is: $668.95.

    To qualify to take this license exam, pre-approval is required. Applicants must be able to document a minimum of 4 years of experience within the past 10 years to qualify for a license and must also submit 4 reference certificates concerning their work experience and submit to a background check. The program takes you through each one of the reference books that the exam is based on showing you exactly what to highlight. After your highlighting is completed with each book, you have the option take an online practice test to reinforce concepts presented. @HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.


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Requirements To Complete

About This License

This license covers the construction, erection and installation of devices, machinery and units for the control of air temperatures below 50oF in refrigerators, refrigerated rooms and insulated spaces, and installation of any related insulation, ducts, blowers, registers, controls over humidity and thermostatic controls, lines for supplying natural gas from the unit to the point of connection in the existing line for natural gas at the meter or at any point thereafter, electrical service from the unit’s device to protect against excessive current to the main electrical panel, but not the installation of other gas or electric services for the devices, machinery or units.

Requirements to Obtaining Your License

  • Pre-approval is required.
  • Applicants must be able to document a minimum of 4 years of experience within the past 10 years to qualify for a license.
  • Applicants must also submit 4 reference certificates concerning their work experience and submit to a background check.
  • Monetary limits are set based on financial standing.
  • All contractors are required to obtain a $1,000 – $500,000 bond. The amount is based on license type, monetary limit, past, present, and future financial responsibility, and experience.
  • All contractors are required to carry worker’s compensation insurance.
  • Application fee is $600.
  • Contractor Management Survey Exam (Business and Law Exam) is also required to be passed.

Applying For Your License

Obtain an Application for a Contractor’s License from any office of the Nevada State Contractors Board or by telephone from the Nevada State Contractors Board’s 24-hour automated public information line at (775) 688-1141 or (702) 486-1100, or via the Nevada State Contractors Board Web site, www.nscb.state.nv.us. Submit the application, the application processing fee ($300), and all required documents to either office the Nevada State Contractors Board. There is a $300 application fee and $300 licensing fee.

Exam Details

  • The testing company is PSI (1-800-733-9267)
  • 50 questions and 2 hour time limit
  • 70% is required to pass the exam
  • Topics on the exam include Refrigeration and Refrigerants, Piping and Tubing, Condensers and cooling towers, Controls, Valves and Wiring, Walk-ins/Box Construction, Ducts and Ventilation, Test and Inspection, Gas, Safety
  • $85 for just the trade exam, or $130 for both the trade and the Contractor Management Survey Exam

Books and References for the Exam

The following references are permitted to be taken into the examination. These references may be tabbed (with a permanent index tab) and highlighted.

  • 2012 Uniform Mechanical Code

The following reference materials are NOT allowed in the examination.

  • Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
  • OSHA 1926

Exam Review Education

We offer review for the Nevada Refrigeration Contractor (C-21A) exam in home study/tutorial format. The program takes you through each one of the reference books that the exam is based on showing you exactly what to highlight. After your highlighting is completed with each book, you have the option take an online practice test to reinforce concepts presented. The program narrated and animated. For more information, or to order, contact our office at 1-800-952-0910.

Continuing Education

As of this time, there is no continuing education for this license.

Reciprocity Agreement

Nevada has a reciprocity agreement with California, Arizona, and Utah. There is no reciprocity for the plumbing and electrical trades.

How It Works


Obtain pre-approval from the state (if applicable).


Purchase Exam Prep materials.


Schedule and pass your state exams.


Submit to the state your application, licensing fee, and proof of insurance.