Obtain Your License

Pursuing a career in the Construction field? Study at home for your Kansas Construction license exam with our fully online, user-friendly, and self-paced course.

  • Sale! Framing

    Kansas Standard Roofing Contractor/Subcontractor Online Exam Prep

    Original price was: $269.99.Current price is: $239.99.

    The program takes you through each one of the reference books that the exam is based on showing you exactly what to highlight. After your highlighting is completed with each book, you have the option take an online practice test to reinforce concepts presented. @HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself. The highlighting guides and quizzes are designed to familiarize students with testing materials. We do not provide students with exact test questions, as the state does not release this information.

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  • Framing

    Kansas Standard Roofing Contractor/Subcontractor Online Exam Prep Complete Package

    Original price was: $554.96.Current price is: $524.96.

    Kansas Standard Roofing Contractor/Subcontractor Online Exam Prep Complete Package includes all references used to study for the exam, pre-printed tabs for only those references allowed to be brought into the exam center, and 365 days access to our online exam prep course. The highlighting guides and quizzes are designed to familiarize students with testing materials. We do not provide students with exact test questions, as the state does not release this information.

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Requirements To Complete

About This License

Scope of Work: Roofing, re-roofing, roof insulation, and roof drainage fields as permitted by the IBC, IRC and IPC

Requirements to Obtaining Your License

Every “roofing contractor” must obtain a roofing contractor registration certificate from the Kansas Attorney General in order to legally provide commercial or residential roofing services for a fee in Kansas. More information here: https://ag.ks.gov/licensing/roofing-registration

Applying For Your License


  1. Certificate of liability insurance, which shall be not less than $500,000, and which shall list “Office of the Kansas Attorney General, 120 SW 10th Ave., Topeka, Kansas 66612” as the certificate holder;
  2. Certificate of workers’ compensation coverage or affidavit of exemption or selfinsurance; and
  3. Certificate of current tax clearance or letter from the Kansas Department of Revenue.

Exam Details

60 multiple-choice questions
Exam Provider: ICC

Books and References for the Exam

Continuing Education


Reciprocity Agreement


How It Works


Obtain pre-approval from the state (if applicable).


Purchase Exam Prep materials.


Schedule and pass your state exams.


Submit to the state your application, licensing fee, and proof of insurance.