Obtain Your License

Pursuing a career in the HVAC field? Study at home for your Alaska HVAC license exam with our fully online, user-friendly, and self-paced course.

  • Alaska Unlimited HVAC/Sheet Metal Mechanical Administrator – Books Only Package


    As of this time we do not offer any courses for this exam. We do offer all the required books for this exam here in one complete package. Individual books can be found in our bookstore. Please be sure to check back in the future for possible course material, as we are always adding to our course catalog.

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Requirements To Complete

About This License

Mechanical: A mechanical administrator licensed in the unlimited commercial and industrial plumbing category may supervise the installation or retrofitting of all pneumatic or electric controls, and may supervise, the retrofitting of all control wiring of 48 volts or less, necessary for the operation of plumbing or water conditioning equipment so long as those modifications do not alter the electrical characteristics of the mechanical system or controls. The original installation of control wiring, or the alteration or retrofitting of controls and control wiring that alters the electrical characteristics of the mechanical system, must be supervised by an electrical administrator licensed in the appropriate category.

Plumbing work includes the installation, alteration, or retrofitting of (1) plumbing, fixtures, fixture traps, and domestic water, waste, storm, and vent pipes, including all of their devices, appurtenances, and connections, that extend no more than five feet horizontally outside the building or structure that they serve, and through which domestic water, waste, sewage, oil, drainage, and air are carried; (2) piping, fixtures, or equipment that is an integral part of a swimming pool, spa, or hot tub filter or heating system, or solar energy system; (3) fuel oil and gas piping and appliances, and their appurtenances either within the property lines of the building or structure to be served by the fuel oil and gas, or to the point of connection with the utility system; and (4) lawn sprinkler systems that are connected to a potable water supply, including excavation and backfilling as necessary for proper installation of the system.

Sheet Metal: The candidate may supervise the installation, construction, operations, maintenance, and repair of all electrical work subject to the National Electrical Code within buildings and within property lines of any given property, beginning at the secondary side of he transformer or street lighting and traffic signalization on public through fares, roadways, or rights-of-way, and work starting after the first point of attachment of aerial or underground conductors to building or structures if aerial or underground wires or cables are used to provide power for buildings or structures within the property lines of any given property.

Requirements to Obtaining Your License

  • Licensees must possess a valid stat of Alaska business license which is issued seperately for $50 per year.
  • Practical experience as a journeyman in HVAC and sheet metal work for at least four of the six years immediately before the date of the application;
  • Management experience in HVAC and sheet metal work as a field superintendent or similar position for at least four of the six years immediately before the date of the application;
  • A degree in mechanical engineering from a nationally or regionally accredited college or university plus practical experience as a journeyman or field engineer in HVAC and sheet metal work for at least one of the three years immediately before the date of application; or
  • A registration in the state as a professional mechanical engineer plus management experience in the mechanical contracting industry as a field engineer or similar engineering position for at least one of the three years immediately before the date of application.

Applying For Your License

New applications, $300 ($50 – nonrefundable application fee, $250 license fee). For changes, see fee schedule. Check or money order should be made payable to the State of Alaska.

Department of Community & Economic Development Division of Occupational Licensing
Contractor Registration Section
PO Box 110806
Juneau, AK 99811

If you need assistance with the application process, @ Home Prep- a division of Stautzenberger College can help you by saving you time and money. With our years of experience, we can quickly and accurately submit your application to your state.

Exam Details

  • 100 questions and a time limit of 240 MInutes(Mechanical)
  • Topics include: Boilers/Burners,Chimneys, Flues and Vents,Fuel, Piping and Storage,Controls/Electrical,Duct Systems/Sheet Metal,Alaska Statutes and Regulations,Steam/Hot Water Piping,A/C Systems,Piping/Tubing,Chillers,Pneumatics,Evaporative Cooling
  • A score of 70% is needed to pass.
  • Exam fee is $150.
  • The exam is given by PSI 800-733-9267.

Books and References for the Exam

They are available for purchase from our online contractor’s bookstore or by calling our office at 1-800-952-0910.

The following references are permitted to be taken into the examination.

References not allowed during the exam

  • HVAC Duct Construction Standards – Metal and Flexible, Third Edition, 2005
  • Boiler Operator’s Guide
  • IPT’s Pipe Trade Handbook
  • High Pressure Boilers

Exam Review Education

We do not offer training for this license at this time, please check later as we add more content.

Continuing Education

8-hours of continuing education per renewal

Reciprocity Agreement

Case by case basis.

How It Works


Obtain pre-approval from the state (if applicable).


Purchase Exam Prep materials.


Schedule and pass your state exams.


Submit to the state your application, licensing fee, and proof of insurance.