ACCA Ductulator – Duct Calculation Slide Rule
The ACCA Ductulator – Duct Calculation Slide Rule is backordered from the publisher. We anticipate these to be back in stock on 10/31. We will ship your item expedited to you once it is back in stock from the publisher.
One of our most popular catalog items! This durable two-sided plastic sizing wheel comes with a complete instruction manual for residential and commercial duct-sizing procedures. Designed by Hank Rutkowski.
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Product Details
One of our most popular catalog items! This durable two-sided plastic sizing wheel comes with a complete instruction manual for residential and commercial duct-sizing procedures. Designed by Hank Rutkowski.
Sizes metal ducts, lined metal ducts duct board airways, and wire helix flexible ducts.
Converts round shapes to equivalent rectangles.
Correlates available pressure with total effective length and friction rate (Manual D sizing calculations).
Converts velocity into velocity pressure and vice versa.
Corrects for altitude and temperature