Concrete Formwork, 5th Edition
Concrete Formwork provides valuable information on the construction and safe assembly and disassembly of formwork for residential, light commercial, and heavy commercial structures. Various aspects of concrete construction methods are presented in sequence, from site preparation through concrete placement and stripping forms.
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This edition has been updated with expanded information on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) and safety data sheets (SDSs), insulated concrete forms (ICFs), and total stations. New topics in this edition include wind turbine foundations, micropiles, bridge deck overhangs, building information modeling (BIM), form vibrators, and concrete structures such as bridges, dams, and grain elevators. References are made throughout the text-workbook to International Building Code® (IBC) and International Residential Code® (IRC) standards. Also incorporated in the text-workbook are the latest American Concrete Institute (ACI) recommendations and OSHA regulations.