National Green Building Standard 2012, 1st Edition


The future of building design is green construction.


Product Details

The shift toward incorporating green practices into everyday construction is already underway. As a result, there is no better way to prepare for the future than with the NATIONAL GREEN BUILDING STANDARD™ (ICC 700-2012) the result of a joint effort between the International Code Council® (ICC) and National Association of Home Builders® (NAHB). The standard outlines effective, relevant green practices, including lot design; preparation and development; resource, energy, and water efficiency; indoor environmental quality; and operation, maintenance, and building owner education. Its goal is to give you the means to achieve your sustainability goals, whether they are designing a basic, entry-level green building or aiming for the highest level sustainable “green” building with energy savings of 65 percent or higher. It accomplishes this by defining four threshold levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Emerald. The end result is a valuable tool that will help you put “green” methodology into practice in a variety of areas, from new homes to high-rise multifamily buildings, and from remodels and additions to hotels and motels. Also available – DEWALT® Mobile Pro™, a free app that features a construction calculator with integrated reference materials and access to hundreds of additional calculations as add-ons.