Please contact our office at 800-952-0910 for questions, or to inquire about a title you cannot find.
ACCA Ductulator – Duct Calculation Slide Rule
$59.99The ACCA Ductulator – Duct Calculation Slide Rule is backordered from the publisher. We anticipate these to be back in stock on 10/31. We will ship your item expedited to you once it is back in stock from the publisher.
One of our most popular catalog items! This durable two-sided plastic sizing wheel comes with a complete instruction manual for residential and commercial duct-sizing procedures. Designed by Hank Rutkowski.
Manual D – Residential Duct Systems [ANSI/ACCA 1 Manual D – 2016]
$89.99Design a residential duct system in less time with the streamlined Manual D duct procedure. The newly released Manual D has been significantly revised to include:
- Updated and expanded VAV guidance, with detailed examples.
- Impacts of excess length, sag and compression in flexible ducts.
- New equivalent length values for flex duct junction boxes.
Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards – NAIMA
$38.99Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards by NAIMA includes comprehensive instructions on how to fabricate and install fibrous glass duct systems. This illustrated handbook depicts methods of constructing simple straight duct sections plus tees, elbows and complex fittings, installing accessories, connecting ducts to HVAC equipment. Outlines UL 181A approved closure systems, recommended methods of reinforcement, support, and damage repair. Includes a detailed job inspection checklist. (Designed for use in conjunction with the Videotapes: “Duct Board Fabrication Concepts”.)
Residential Comfort System Installation Standards Manual
$110.99This publication incorporates complete and comprehensive installation standards for residential heating and cooling systems.
Flexible Duct Performance and Installation 6th Ed
$31.99Flexible Duct Performance & Installation Standards 6th Edition is used and referenced by designers, installers, contractors and users for evaluating, selecting, specifying and installing flexible duct for heating and air conditioning systems.
Technicians Guide and Workbook for Duct Diagnostics and Repair
$63.99Provides an understanding of the major issues concerning efficiency, comfort, health, and safety, with practical tips on installation and repair as well as testing and diagnosing duct systems. Intended for use by contractors, systems designers, etc.
HVAC Systems – Testing, Adjusting and Balancing
$280.99This version has been extensively updated from the 1993 version and includes all of the many changes that have taken place in the HVAC industry. New sections covering VFD, DDC, lab hood exhaust balancing, and the latest changes in balancing equipment and procedures are included.