Please contact our office at 800-952-0910 for questions, or to inquire about a title you cannot find.
Please note that to become a licensed contractor in Florida, a Business and Finance test must be taken.
The following references are permitted to be taken into the exam. Also, please bring an Architect’s Scale (including 1/4 and 1/8″)
If you were to purchase all of the items below”
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology 9th Edition
$226.99The Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Technology, 9th edition is backordered by the publisher. We do not have an expected delivery date at this time. We will ship your book expedited to you once it is back in stock with the publisher.
Equip your students with the knowledge and skills to maintain and troubleshoot complex heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems with REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING TECHNOLOGY, Ninth Edition.
Energy Efficient Building Construction in Florida 11th Edition
$75.99This handbook is designed to provide the most up to date information for building energy efficient homes in Florida’s hot humid climate.
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Troubleshooting Handbook 2nd Edition
$209.99This comprehensive text covers both electric and electronic controls in one book in depth.
Energy Systems Analysis and Management – SMACNA
$129.99Presents an updated level of technical information necessary for energy conservation and retrofits of today’s commercial facilities. This new manual provides building owners, facility managers, contractors, and system…
NFPA 99 2021 Health Care Facilities Code
$166.99NFPA 99 establishes criteria for levels of health care services or systems based on risk to the patients, staff, or visitors in health care facilities to minimize the hazards of fire, explosion, and electricity.
Gently Used – Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology 9th Edition
$158.99Equip your students with the knowledge and skills to maintain and troubleshoot complex heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems with REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING TECHNOLOGY, Ninth Edition.
Florida Mechanical Tab Pack
$105.99This package includes permanent tabs for all references allowed to be used during the exam.