Direct Current Fundamentals
For nearly half a century, this widely acclaimed book has presented the fundamental concepts of DC electricity and magnetism in a straightforward, practical manner. The 8th Edition retains the distinguishing features that are the cornerstone of this winning book, including logically organized content that progresses from basic principles to more complex concepts. Enhancements include updated drawings and photographs that better assist readers in understanding such essential concepts as how to distinguish between digital and analog meters, and solid state control for DC motors.
Product Details
For nearly half a century, this widely acclaimed book has presented the fundamental concepts of DC electricity and magnetism in a straightforward, practical manner. The 8th Edition retains the distinguishing features that are the cornerstone of this winning book, including logically organized content that progresses from basic principles to more complex concepts. Enhancements include updated drawings and photographs that better assist readers in understanding such essential concepts as how to distinguish between digital and analog meters, and solid state control for DC motors.
- Units related to numerical concepts, electrical measurements, and scientific notation have been augmented during the revision process for an enhanced learning experience
- New formulas for voltage dividers and current dividers have been added, along with step-by-step instructions on how they can be applied to a circuit
- A chapter on solving DC networks includes easily understood solutions of the loop current method, superposition technique, Thevenin’s Theorem, and Norton’s Theorem
- Achievement reviews at the end of each chapter offer a variety of practice problems, all of which have been field tested
- While DC concepts are conveyed in a practical, non-mathematical fashion, important math concepts are explained step-by-step when necessary