Alabama HVAC Licenses Expire December 31

The deadline for Alabama HVAC technicians to complete their four required hours of annual continuing education is quickly approaching! It’s easy to get preoccupied when you work full time on top of all the other things life throws at you. But if you haven’t completed the hours you need, there’s no time to delay. If you don’t get in those four hours, you’re at risk of letting your license expire. Don’t stress out: just enroll in At Home Prep’s Alabama HVAC continuing education course today and get started immediately with the education you need to renew your license. Our program, like all of our courses, is easy to access on a tablet or smartphone anywhere you can get an internet connection. Don’t waste time hunting down an in person course, missing a day of work, and spending the day locked in a classroom with professionals who might not understand the material as well as you do. The program is self-paced, which puts you in the driver seat. Move quickly through the course topics you understand and spend more time on the ideas that are new or unfamiliar to you. Our HTML5 platform allows you to take the course with you on the go, starting and stopping as needed. Best of all, At Home Prep offers many discounts to ensure that you are getting the education you need for the lowest price around. We offer a no pass, no pay policy that allows you to take the course as many times as you need to while only having to pay once. There’s no doubt that At Home Prep is the most affordable, easiest, and most accessible way to get your required continuing education hours. Getting started is easy. Enroll today and you’ve taken the first step towards completing your required hours.
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