Please contact our office at 800-952-0910 for questions, or to inquire about a title you cannot find.
NFPA 70: National Electrical Code (NEC) Paperback, 2017 Edition
$179.99Throughout the United States and around the world, NFPA 70®: National Electrical Code® (NEC®) sets the foundation for electrical safety in residential, commercial, and industrial occupancies.
2014 National Electrical Code – NFPA 70
$179.99The 2014 NFPA 70®: NEC® covers the latest requirements on electrical wiring and equipment installation issues, including minimum provisions for the use of connections, voltage markings, conductors, and cables.
NFPA 70 National Electrical Code (NEC) – 2020 Edition
$179.99Throughout the United States and around the world, NFPA 70®: National Electrical Code® (NEC®) sets the foundation for electrical safety in residential, commercial, and industrial occupancies.
2023 National Electrical Code – NFPA 70
$179.99Throughout the United States and around the world, NFPA 70: National Electrical Code NEC sets the foundation for electrical safety in residential, commercial, and industrial occupancies.
NFPA 70: National Electrical Code (NEC) Handbook, 2017 Edition 1st Edition
$328.99Stay informed about how the NEC addresses electrical technologies transforming the field. New and updated commentary written by the Code experts explains how to implement requirements and gives you the reasoning behind major changes that could affect your designs and installations. – See more at:
NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (NEC) Handbook, 2020 Edition
$328.99Handbook to the latest edition of the National Electrical Code, 2020.
2011 National Electrical Code
$179.99Technology is speeding ahead and so is the NEC®. Stay up-to-code with the 2011 National Electrical Code® direct from NFPA®.
Adopted in all 50 states, NFPA 70®: National Electrical Code has saved untold lives with comprehensive requirements for electrical wiring and equipment. When the Code advances to incorporate new technologies, you can’t afford to fall behind! You need the 2011 NEC to safeguard people and property, and avoid violations.
Ultimate Guide: Wiring, Updated 10th Edition
$24.99The most recent edition to the best-selling wiring manual, Ultimate Guide: Wiring, 10th Edition demystifies home wiring and residential electrical systems with easy-to-understand language, step-by-step photography, and detailed illustrations. Homeowners and DIYers will learn how their home’s electrical system works from the inside out and how to complete installations and repairs.
2008 National Electrical Code
$179.99The world’s most widely adopted safety code, the National Electrical Code® (NEC) is now advancing electrical safety requirements with the 2008 edition in an effort to maximize public safety, emergency preparation, and electrical worker protection. With regulations for electrical wiring and equipment in virtually all types of buildings, this new edition responds to industry needs with expanded requirements based on research, new technologies, and recent events. A must-have for anyone involved in electrical design, installation, inspection, and safety, this edition has been updated for enhanced usability in the field, making it ideal for handling on-the-job electrical situations safely and effectively. Delmar, a part of Cengage Learning is pleased to make this authoritative reference from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) available directly from us, for the convenience of our customers who work in and around the electrical trades. It may be used independently, or as a companion to any electrical book, including Delmar’s best-selling wiring series, as well as our guides to using the NEC®.
NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (NEC) Handbook, 2023 Edition
$328.99Handbook to the latest edition of the National Electrical Code, 2023.
2020 National Electrical Code – NFPA 70 Spiral Bound
$189.99Throughout the United States and around the world, NFPA 70®: National Electrical Code® (NEC®) sets the foundation for electrical safety in residential, commercial, and industrial occupancies.
National Electrical Code 2011 Handbook
$218.99Safe, efficient, code-compliant electrical installations are made simple with the latest publication of this widely popular resource. Like its highly successful previous editions, the NEC® 2011 Handbook combines solid, thorough, research-based content with the tools you need to build an in-depth understanding of the most important topics. It provides the full text of the updated code regulations alongside expert commentary from code specialists, offering code rationale, clarifications for new and updated rules, and practical, real-world advice on how to apply the code. New to the 2011 edition are articles including first-time Article 399 on October, Overhead Conductors with over 600 volts, first-time Article 694 on Small Wind Electric Systems, first-time Article 840 on Premises Powered Broadband Communications Systems, and more. This winning combination has created a valuable reference for those in or entering careers in electrical design, installation, inspection, and safety.
IEEE National Electrical Safety Code – 2017
$342.99This Code covers basic provisions for safeguarding of persons from hazards arising from the installation, operation, or maintenance of (1) conductors and equipment in electric supply stations, and (2) overhead and underground electric supply and communication lines. It also includes work rules for the construction, maintenance, and operation of electric supply and communication lines and equipment.
Electrical Wiring Residential, 18th Edition
$179.99Delivering the very latest in industry standards and procedures, longtime market leader ELECTRICAL WIRING RESIDENTIAL, 18e continues to provide comprehensive, authoritative coverage that fully implements the 2014 National Electrical Code®. The book’s signature three-part organization thoroughly covers Code, Electrical Knowledge, and Applications. Extremely reader friendly, it offers detailed–but not overly technical–explanations as it guides you step by step through the critical tasks and responsibilities that face today’s professional residential electricians in both new construction and existing homes. Vivid Illustrations are fully coordinated with the latest NEC® regulations and provide further clarity. In addition, foldout plans at the back of the book give you hands-on practice applying Code requirements.
2005 National Electrical Code
$106.99The #1 electrical reference, the 2005 National Electrical Code®, is available through today’s #1 electrical publisher, Delmar, a part of Cengage Learning! The single most important reference in the electrical industry, the National Electrical Code (NEC®)…
Electrical Wiring Residential, 20th Edition
$179.99Delivering the very latest in industry standards and procedures, longtime market leader ELECTRICAL WIRING RESIDENTIAL, 20e continues to provide comprehensive, authoritative coverage that fully implements the 2020 National Electrical Code®. The book’s signature three-part organization thoroughly covers Code, Electrical Knowledge, and Applications. Extremely reader friendly, it offers detailed–but not overly technical–explanations as it guides you step by step through the critical tasks and responsibilities that face today’s professional residential electricians in both new construction and existing homes. Vivid Illustrations are fully coordinated with the latest NEC® regulations and provide further clarity. In addition, foldout plans at the back of the book give you hands-on practice applying Code requirements.
National Electrical Safety Code – 2012
$259.99This Code covers basic provisions for safeguarding of persons from hazards arising from the installation, operation, or maintenance of (1) conductors and equipment in electric supply stations, and (2) overhead and underground electric supply and communication lines. It also includes work rules for the construction, maintenance, and operation of electric supply and communication lines and equipment. The standard is applicable to the systems and equipment operated by utilities, or similar systems and equipment, of an industrial establishment or complex under the control of qualified persons. This standard consists of the introduction, definitions, grounding rules, list of referenced and bibliographic documents, and Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the 2012 Edition of the National Electrical Safety Code.
Electrical Wiring Residential, 21st Edition
$179.99Delivering the very latest in industry standards and procedures, longtime market leader ELECTRICAL WIRING RESIDENTIAL, 21e continues to provide comprehensive, authoritative coverage that fully implements the 2023 National Electrical Code®. The book’s signature three-part organization thoroughly covers Code, Electrical Knowledge, and Applications. Extremely reader friendly, it offers detailed–but not overly technical–explanations as it guides you step by step through the critical tasks and responsibilities that face today’s professional residential electricians in both new construction and existing homes. Vivid Illustrations are fully coordinated with the latest NEC® regulations and provide further clarity. In addition, foldout plans at the back of the book give you hands-on practice applying Code requirements.
Electrical Wiring Residential, 19th Edition
$179.99Delivering the very latest in industry standards and procedures, longtime market leader ELECTRICAL WIRING RESIDENTIAL, 19e continues to provide comprehensive, authoritative coverage that fully implements the 2017 National Electrical Code®. The book’s signature three-part organization thoroughly covers Code, Electrical Knowledge, and Applications. Extremely reader friendly, it offers detailed–but not overly technical–explanations as it guides you step by step through the critical tasks and responsibilities that face today’s professional residential electricians in both new construction and existing homes. Vivid Illustrations are fully coordinated with the latest NEC® regulations and provide further clarity. In addition, foldout plans at the back of the book give you hands-on practice applying Code requirements.