It’s almost 2015, and businesses and consumers are utilizing the new cloud technology more and more every day. iPads and tablets are becoming ever more preset on the job site. Design plans and code databases can be quickly accessed from virtually anywhere without hassle. Cloud computing and paperless processing are cost saving tools you may want to look into for your company.
MADCAD ( is a database of code books. The platform has over 50,000 building codes and standards. Their library also includes state specific codes and local amendments. You can have access to the resources on the job via tablet or computer. Paid subscriptions to MADCAD include ASCE, NFPA, OSHA, HUD, and FEMA. MADCAD is continuously updates the books, and, since they are accessed through the cloud, they don’t require a download.
Bluebeam, ( is a PDF markup/editing/sharing cloud service. You can make notes and changes to your documents using a computer or tablet. Many building contractors are discovering paperless processing leads to cost savings and quicker project completion times. Bluebeam allows you to add customizable markups on site and with people across the world in real time.
Explore or look into your cloud presence in 2015, there’s loads of services and applications that could help your company complete projects and do business better.