In order to get your Contractors License in Florida, you must get your license for various skilled trades. One of the popular trade specialties to go into in Florida is roofing. Since roofing requires specific skills that not every contractor has, you must obtain a roofing contractor license in the state of Florida. With enough experience under your belt, an eagerness to progress in your trade, and the right prep help, you’ll be a licensed roofing contractor in no time.
Types of Roofing Contractors Licenses in Florida
There are two types of roofing contractor licenses in Florida, certified and registered. A certified license allows you to work on projects anywhere in the state of Florida, whereas a registered license only allows you to work in cities where you hold a certificate of competency. The biggest difference between the two is the type of exam you need to pass as a contractor. For a registered license, you must show evidence of a certificate of competency from a local licensing office with the application. With a certified license, you must pass a state-certified contractors exam and also need four years of experience or a combination of college education and experience.
How to Get your Roofing Contractors License in Florida
In Florida, you must first take and pass a state-certified contractor exam before you can become a certified contractor in a specific trade. All state construction exams are open book and have multiple-choice questions. The exam will cover many areas of construction, so it is important that you take the time to become familiar with the material. You will also need to know information pertaining to conducting business as a contractor in the state. To prepare for your exam, check out the resources we have at @HomePrep. The Florida application to become a state contractor not only requires passing the state-certified exam, but you also need to show proof of experience, proof of financial stability and liability and worker’s comp insurance. We currently offer application processing to ensure that you correctly fill out all parts of your application before sending it in.
Applying for Your Roofing Contractors License
Once you pass the state exam to become a licensed contractor, you must also pass an exam in your specific trade, in this case, roofing. @HomePrep offers plenty of resources to help you learn what material will be on your exam and what you should be studying. Be sure to check out our recommended books and reference materiasl for your preparations. Not only will these materials help you when it comes to new innovations in roofing, but you will feel prepared to answer questions about building codes and other specific details required by the state for your licensure. Once you are ready, you can schedule your exam at the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation website. To keep your license current,you must complete 14 hours of continuing education credits annually. Florida requires 5 of the hours \ come from courses offered by the state. Contractors can earn the other 9 hours from state-approved electives.. Check out our list of continuing education courses to find electives that pique your interest and keep your license good year after year. Or, keep it simple with our 14-hour complete continuing education bundle. No matter how you go about it, getting your license is a great way to push your career to the next level as a roofing contractor in Florida.