@HomePrep Blog

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Tennessee Water Operator Licenses Expire Sept 30

If you need a water operator license in Tennessee, make sure that you have your required continuing education complete by Sept 30. License periods are every year beginning on October 1, and water operators in Tennessee are required to earn either six or twelve hours of continuing education in that period of time, depending on the level of your license.

Don’t panic! If you have not yet completed your education, it’s not too late to complete twelve hours of continuing education. Register today and access our course at your own pace, on your time, on a smartphone or tablet.

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Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions About Taking Your CEU’s Online

CEUs (Continued Education Units) are an incredibly important part of many professions. They are often required to maintain certification or professional license designations, and can greatly increase chances for upward movement in many careers.

In the past, CEUs could only be completed via seminars or training programs, which often involved travel or time away from work. Thanks to modern technology, there are so many more options for CEUs today.

As a leading provider of online CEUs and licensing, we offer self-paced training for multiple industries in almost every state. Here are some of the most common questions we receive about taking CEUs online:

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Why Take the @Home Prep Texas Electrician Continuing Education Course?

All online courses are different. Every company writes their own material and presents it differently. Our course is:

  1. Professionally written. We cover the codebook but our professionals write the commentary. We know you want to understand the latest rules and concepts. The @Home Prep Texas Electrician Continuing Education course presents material relevant to you written by professionals.
  2. Fully narrated by a professional reader. When you are listening to a course for four hours, we feel you deserve a professional reader and we think you absorb the material better by both hearing and seeing the material.
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Is it time to take your Wisconsin Cosmetology Continuing Education course?

@HomePrep wants to know— Is it time to take your Wisconsin Cosmetology Continuing Education course?

Our advertising is light, but our message is serious. Are you ready to renew your Wisconsin Cosmetology License? Don’t run the risk of not completing the continuing education requirement before your license expires. Our course is good for a year. That means you can take it a month before your license needs to be renewed or any time within 364 days before your license needs to be renewed.

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How to Prepare for Taking your Licensing Exam

You want to become a contractor. Now what? The following information is to help you through the necessary steps in order to assure a smooth transition as you become a licensed contractor in any trade.

First, are you becoming licensed with the correct license? Besides the trade you will need to decide if you will be preforming residential only, commercial only, or residential and commercial, restricted or unrestricted, etc.  The value of the projects you plan to build both per project and total for the year and the size of the project will help you determine many licenses.

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HVAC Careers

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, HVAC Careers are projected to increase by 21% from 2012-2022.

Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers work on heating, ventilation, cooling, and refrigeration systems that control the temperature and air quality in buildings.

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Welcome to @Home Prep

@Home Prep Education, Inc. offers comprehensive, on-line, licensing exam preparation and reference materials for multiple industries in over 30 states. With our training locations throughout Tennessee, we make every effort to see you through the successful completion of your exam preparation.

Our purpose is to assist those who desire a Contractors license with a trade endorsement in Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical, HVAC, Plumbing, and more, through pre-licensing self-paced trainings. @Home Prep also offers support for those who are interested in continuing education and leadership training.

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Preparing Your Heating System for Winter Weather

Last year most of us were hit with unusually cold weather now is the time for customers to get their heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems ready for cold weather. Heating units require routine maintenance to keep them running effectively and efficiently.

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Know Which Codes Your State is Currently Using

Know which Codes your state is currently using. Updates as of September 2014. The Following States have adopted the 2012 International Codes Effective Statewide:

  • Arkansas
  • California
  • District of Columbia
  • Georgia
  • Idaho
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maryland
  • Oregon
  • Rhode lsland
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Using The Cloud

It’s almost 2015, and businesses and consumers are utilizing the new cloud technology more and more every day. iPads and tablets are becoming ever more preset on the job site. Design plans and code databases can be quickly accessed from virtually anywhere without hassle. Cloud computing and paperless processing are cost saving tools you may want to look into for your company.

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Construction in 2015

Despite the recession, the construction industry is still a promising sector. New construction is a leading indicator of how well the economy is recovering. The United States economy is projected to grow at 1.4% annual rate for the last quarter of 2014.

In September, for the first time in years, builder confidence is to 2005 levels nationally. Building contractors have a reason to be optimistic; the economic recovery from the recession is just beginning.

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Texas Plumbing
VA Licensing
CSL Exam Prep
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